About this website

The site is maintained by

Jørgen Arendt Jensen Professor, ph.d., dr.techn.
Jørgen Arendt Jensen,

DTU Health Technology, Build. 349, room 222,
Technical University of Denmark,
2800 Lyngby,

Tlf: 45 25 39 24 (direct)
Tlf: 45 93 33 32 (operator)
Fax: 45 88 01 17

E-mail: jaje@dtu.dk

Technical Information

This site is run on a Linux server at DTU, and only OpenSource tools have been used during construction. The PHP-program h-page, developed by Svetoslav I. Nikolov, is used for displaying the content.

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Last updated: 11:11 on Mon, 02-Sep-2019